What does the current state of camping look like, and where are there opportunities for campsite owners and operators to get ahead? Those are the questions OHI’s latest Generational Camping Report aims to answer. 

As Adelle Rodriguez from RMS North America explained, “This report is crucial to campground owners and operators, giving them insight into their campers’ backgrounds, behaviors, and future travel plans. This data helps operators strategically plan their operations to increase their occupancy, drive revenue, and bring an excellent guest experience to visitors of all generations…” 

In our first look at this report, we explored why Millennials and Gen-Z are camping less, and how yurts can help bring new excitement to campsites. Today, we’ll be zooming out to look at the data on campsite stay length, and what owners can do to make longer visits more attractive. 

First up, what does the report say about how long people camp?

Campers Aren’t Staying Long As They Might Like

According to OHI’s report, camping has largely been relegated to long weekends and one-off stays, with 60% of campers reporting an average campground stay of three nights or less. Over a quarter of campers (27%) stay less than two nights on average. 

At the same time, half of respondents (51%) said they’d like to spend more nights camping in the next twelve months. To put this even more into perspective, only 6% said they’d like to spend less time camping in the next year.

There’s a sizable gap between peoples’ wants and the actual reality of their camping habits. So why aren’t people camping more?

Closing the Amenity Gap

OHI also asked campers about the kind of factors that influence their decision to book a site. Here’s where the picture becomes clearer. For three out of four respondents, location, proximity to attractions, and the quality/variety of sites available were listed as the biggest indicators of whether a given site was attractive enough to click “reserve.” 

The report also broke down a few of these factors by generation. For instance, 65% of Millennial and Gen-Z visitors were more likely to stay at a campground with onsite recreation, activities, and other amenities, compared to just 45% of Gen X, and 34% of Boomers. Younger campers in particular are looking for the kind of amenities many campsites simply don’t offer, such as WiFi, restroom and shower facilities, laundry, and TV or satellite service. Neglecting to offer these could be getting in the way of longer stays.

As the camping demographic continues to skew younger each year, closing this amenity gap will be crucial to creating the camping and glamping experiences today’s campers want. 

How Yurts Can Lead to Longer Stays – and More Revenue

If a lack of amenities is standing in the way of longer bookings, yurts could be just the answer operators are looking for. Versatile and luxurious, yurts create comfortable year-round accommodations with full amenities, which can include any or all of the following:

  • WiFi
  • Kitchens
  • Heating and AC
  • An abundance of natural lighting
  • Restroom/Shower facilities

Imagine if, when Sunday evening rolls around, campers didn’t have to go home so they could get up for work the next day. If they’re staying in a yurt, they can have a bathroom to shower in, a kitchen to make their morning coffee, and a WiFi connection to log into their Zoom meetings, all while gazing out the window at the Great Smoky Mountains or the California coast. When travelers are well-equipped and enjoy this kind of comfort, a long weekend in the woods can easily become a full week or more. 

Longer stays, of course, lend themselves to higher occupancy rates and more revenue for operators. If adding a yurt or three to your campground increased the average length of your guests’ visits by 30% to 40%, what would that do for your bottom line? 

As we discussed in our last blog, building a thriving campsite today means meeting travelers where they are. For many people, that looks like offering amenities that may not have been common 10-20 years ago. 

Design Your Dream Yurt Today 

For campgrounds looking for long-term growth and stability, yurts provide a differentiated, amenity-rich experience that leaves visitors coming back for more. From beachfront camping to remote mountain getaways, yurts offer endless possibilities for the future of glamping. 
Already imagining what yurts would look like in your space? Try our 3D Yurt Builder and bring your vision to life. Or, chat with our customer service team today.